Saturday, April 19, 2008

Games for health

This is a really cute website, pretty sad but I have actually learned some stuff from here.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Summers favorite Fruit

Such a Thing as Healthy Fast Food

Some pretty cool tips about eating out. I like the burrito tip!!

The following is a cute webpage I found for kids about fast food, the pictures did not copy over but you can read and just use your imagination as far as the pictures go.

Fast Food Dilemma

5th grade WebQuest
By: Carrie Holloway

Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Resources


Oh no!!! Your parents have gone on a fast food strike! They say no more trips to the local fast food places because they feel it is too unhealthy. Life as you know it is over, no more drive-thru’s, happy meal toys, play lands, AAAAHHHH!
Your brain is wheeling; how can you convince them that fast food is ok as long as it is not all you eat?



It is your job to convince your parents that there are meals at fast food restaurants that can be better for you than others. Your group must create a Power Point presentation that you will show to your parents that displays 3 different meals at each of your group member’s favorite restaurant. There are 3 members in your family, besides your parents: one of you is the Flavor Freak, one of you is the Pyramid Police, and one is the Fat Fanatic. Pick which personality you each will be and let’s get going!!!

Flavor Freak Pyram id Police Fat Fanatic


1. First, your group needs to review the Food Guide Pyramid before making your meal choices. Click on the picture to take you to the site. Read about the different food groups and how much you need on a daily basis from each group. With the Pyramid Police as the recorder, answer question number 1 on the data sheet.

2. Click on the picture to read the article about eating out from the Kids Health site, this will give you the support you need to convince your parents that occasionally eating fast food is ok. On the data sheet, the Fat Fanatic should record at least 3 tips to keep in mind when ordering at a restaurant.

3. Now you are going to have to find out each of your favorite fast food restaurants. Make sure that you each pick somewhere different so that you have some variety when it’s time to pick your place to eat. The Flavor Freak should record your choices on the data sheet.

4. Once you have decided, it’s time to start looking at your choices of menu items. Go to the following sites and look at the different menu choices you have at each restaurant.

5. Using the data sheet, the Flavor Freak should choose the menu items to make up each meal, the Pyramid Police should record the data concerning the different food groups the menu choices cover, and the Fat Fanatic should record the number of Fat grams, Calories, and sodium each menu item contains.

***Remember the meals need to be as healthy as possible or your parents will not let you eat fast food ever again. It is up to you as a group to make the best choices possible. ***

6. Now that you have gathered all your data, it is time to create your Power Point presentation. Make sure it includes:
- the restaurants you are wanting to go to
- the 3 meal choices at each restaurant
- a summary of the nutritional value of each meal choice
- pictures
- persuasive techniques that you would use on your parents

7. Once you are finished, make sure to look at the rubric to see if you have completed all parts of this project and to see how you will be evaluated.

Back to the top


Besides the resources listed in each step in the process, you might want to look at the following sites if you need more information:

Pyramid Explorations Workbook by the United Dairy Council

Calorie levels for kids

Interactive Food Guide Pyramid

Food Pyramid

Fast Food Restaurant Links

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A nutrient often forgotten

So I went in a Planned Parenthood the other day with one of my clients and was talking about the Depo-provera shot, and she mentioned to me that the shot causes brittle bones? What? I was never told this and neither was my client, I was out rage, here she was taking the shot for just about a year and they failed to mention this. So I thought I would post some information on calcium a mineral once thought to be only important for babies and children and lactating mothers. But, it is essential for all men too for numerous reasons one being bone health. Take a look...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Does Fear Evoke Change

So many times health promotion campaigns are designed to elicit fear, yet the use of fear is often ineffective in achieving the desired behavior change. What does work?? As I have been told fear appeal does not work in getting people to change their behavior and yet we see it all the time. This is what I found and learned: fear is most likely to be effective if the campaign allows for the desired behavior to be reinforced by a reduction in the level of fear. This entails five requirements: 1) fear onset should occur before the desired behavior is offered; 2) the event upon which the fear is based should appear to be likely; 3) a specific desired behavior should be offered as part of the campaign; 4) the level of fear elicited should only be such that the desired behavior offered is sufficient to substantially reduce the fear; 5) fear offset should occur as a reinforcer for the desired behavior, confirming its effectiveness. After having read this, I can help but to think who actually does this? Keep all these points in mind is difficult if not next to impossible. Check this link out, here is what I am talking about:

This is cool too

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fast Food Jiggle

This kids are pretty good!! This is what we are talking about all the time, they might be the next Dr. Englebergs or Elders! Who knew "rapping MPHers!

Awww super cute

Friday, February 22, 2008


I was asked to post some information on diverticulitis. This is a fairly common disorder especially if you have a low fiber diet. Some studies claim that almost everyone by the age of 80 have diverticulitis.

Here is a viedo to watch too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!


STI's(Sexually Transmitted Infections) formally, STD's are a real problem. Here is link to the most common STI today! What is it? Hint.. it is the most common viral STI and at any given time 75 % of the sexually active population will have it at some point in time in their life. Pratice safe sex or abstain!

Cinnamons Secret

I love cinnamon, it is my all time favorite spice. If you or someone you know suffers from type II diabetes, you should consider added it to your daily diet. It is easy to do, add it to your oatmeal, to fruits, to bread (whole grains or course), to some meat dishes, yogurt, ice cream, coffee, hot chocolate, popcorn(I use Splenda and cinnamon on mine), sweet potatoes, what ever you like. It really helps, my papa takes it too! Go Daddy!! It is thought that it some how regulates the insullin. While it wont substitute for a healthy lifestyle and diet it is worth looking considering, of course after talking with your doctor first.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Communication bad?

In class we have been talking about commuication and how to communicate health messages effectivly (this is a health communication class). Which got me to thinking about the media and what a drastic role it plays in our everyday day to day life. We all know that the media often has a biased view, and that we often do not get to hear both sides of the story, but rather what they want us to hear. But, have you ever thought that the precious "boob tube" might be cause certain health disorders? I don't just mean causing the epidemic of inactivity, obesity, and some say it triggers seziures, but actual disorders! Like attention deficit disorder? Read this article, although pretty technical, the abstract will do just fine, and for thoes that want to conquer the article you can read that too, although lots of P-value stuff(for my fellow classmates and the like) It will make you think twice before you put your young child in front of the TV.

Watch the cats to help ease your stress...

Okay, this really is not health related, but is it so halirious!! Poor kitties.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Sorry, guys I have posted some pretty cool links and for some reason they are not taking you to the right page. I have no idea why...hopefully I will find out soon. In the mean time you can just paste them into your browser and go from there. I will ask in class.

Lit. Review Topic-Diabulimia

This link is not working, however, if you just cut and paste it should take you there. Super cool viedo to watch!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sugar Free?

I use sugar free everything, and came across the article while researching!

Cool, healthy food program in San Diego

Check this out. Super cheap healthy food program. No income requirements.

My thesis topic

Here is what I am doing my thesis/lit review on. Actually, I am doing a comprehensive literature review instead. Eating Disorders in Type I diabetics!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel "blah!" You know, where you are unmotivated and really do not want to do anything... that's me these days I just can not get back into the swing of things, school, gym...
I know, I know I have been slacking on the gym, and that is what kills my days. Working out not only improves your cardio functions, but once you do it you feel better, and feel like you can conquer your day. Even just a walk around the block or working out to a DVD. But, lately I have done nothing for my pysical fitness...I have been in a rut. So from here on out I will get up early, like I did before Christmas, go to the gym, work out, hopefully loose a few (holiday weight gain any one?), and then be motivated to go on with my day. I love how the gym clears your mind, and just makes you feel "good," and gets the good vibes flowing. Gym here I come and books to follow..