Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Communication bad?

In class we have been talking about commuication and how to communicate health messages effectivly (this is a health communication class). Which got me to thinking about the media and what a drastic role it plays in our everyday day to day life. We all know that the media often has a biased view, and that we often do not get to hear both sides of the story, but rather what they want us to hear. But, have you ever thought that the precious "boob tube" might be cause certain health disorders? I don't just mean causing the epidemic of inactivity, obesity, and some say it triggers seziures, but actual disorders! Like attention deficit disorder? Read this article, although pretty technical, the abstract will do just fine, and for thoes that want to conquer the article you can read that too, although lots of P-value stuff(for my fellow classmates and the like) It will make you think twice before you put your young child in front of the TV.



Erin O! said...

Hi Carmie!
You're fantastic! Keep up the great "blog" work!

Unknown said...

While I agree that television causes some negative effects (as previously stated. Media at a young age also provided various positive effects. Better social interaction with young kids, better logical analysis along with memory and problem solving skills (more video games), and it's also been tested as a positive therapeutic effect for hyperactivity. I guess like everything in the world it has it's pluses and it's minuses.