Thursday, February 7, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel "blah!" You know, where you are unmotivated and really do not want to do anything... that's me these days I just can not get back into the swing of things, school, gym...
I know, I know I have been slacking on the gym, and that is what kills my days. Working out not only improves your cardio functions, but once you do it you feel better, and feel like you can conquer your day. Even just a walk around the block or working out to a DVD. But, lately I have done nothing for my pysical fitness...I have been in a rut. So from here on out I will get up early, like I did before Christmas, go to the gym, work out, hopefully loose a few (holiday weight gain any one?), and then be motivated to go on with my day. I love how the gym clears your mind, and just makes you feel "good," and gets the good vibes flowing. Gym here I come and books to follow..


boogie said...

you go girl! Love the cut blog sister...

Amanda Moore said...

I agree with you Carmen. I too was in a gym rut. But, I've made a commitment to stay motivated for 40 days and counting and rest on Sunday. I think if you do anything 40 days straight - good or bad - it will become a habit. So, if I had to pick a habit, I think exercising is a great one. After all, habits are hard to break. PS. Hope you're feeling better. On Tuesday, I'll show you how to change your template if you're interested.